Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Scared on the Outside But Happy on the Inside.

Grade 2-3 Read For the Top Semi-Finals Team

Interviewed and Reported by H & B

A team of Boys called Thunder Readers jumps to finals winning 11-0 in today's semi-final match. Amazing performance by thunder readers. Scores here are more one-sided than grade 4-5.

The Grade 2-3 have lots of fun trying the game out. They felt very nervous. They are in Mr. Vargas’s class. They felt pride and enjoyment of being on YouTube. They were happy that the whole world gets to see their face on YouTube. They were joyful and happy that they are in the finals. They worked hard and were very happy. They were scared on the outside but happy on the inside. They are proud that the whole school will be watching them. They are happy and nervous that there will be so many eyes watching them. They read the book 11 times in total. They took part for the fun of it. They have pride that they read so many books.

By H and B

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